[24 hours stay connected with mydearcherie]
start 07.00am(3rd Apr) - 07.00am(4th Apr)
07:00pm - 08:23pm -gw otw dari my aunt's home to boarding comfort house-
8:24 pm -masi lancar walopun ada beberapa kali miss messege nya-
8.35 pm -Help me... Gw ga mau tidur... tp gw ngantuk banget....
9:54 PM -aliran messege semakin deras, gw jg lg persiapan buat kopi-
10:29 -one friend is decide to off, other one betting me but importantly i've made a hot coffemix-
10:54 PM : semangat stabil, backsound looking upnya paramore and chat ama temen2 semakin memeriahkan my mad satnite... :D
11:26 PM -semangat ampir ancur gara2 ampir mati lapu, kopi gw juga dah abis, sekarang saatnya reload my equipment-
12:00 PM : 7 jam lagi.... i'll never quit on this road... keep my spirit up! :D
00:25 AM -frekuensi nguap naik, tenaga ketar-ketir, dan mata gw yang paling mengkhawatirkan-
00:54 : a hot coffe has reload, semangaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttt....
01:35 : chat with lenia, backsound still paramore and a half of coffee...
02:05 : no messege recieved, chat still on with lenia and ernes, keep it up!
02:51 am : just chat with nadia, messege has been regularly sent, with a little neutral coffee...
05:01 : 2 hours left... i'll finish with a greatfull closing...
05:35 : oh god... morning sun has rise up! good morning....
05:58 am : 3660 secaonds later guys.... beat it off...! (rock)
06:17 am : keep running out brade.... just a little bit more... (gym)
06:33 : tinggal hitungan menit kawaaannnn... cepaaatttt!!!!
06:44 am : memasuki injury time... *saatnya menentukan strategi terakhir*
06:55 am : this is the final... one step to finish the obviously strange game...
07:00 am : THE GAME WAS OVER NOW...!
doctl , command-line interface (CLI) for the DigitalOcean API
1 tahun yang lalu
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